How To Play

Let's start by learning how to use the interface

Drag the letter which appears in all the words on the left but not on the right

Notice if you drag a into the answer box, there is a green next to the words on the left, and a green next to the words on the right. This means that your answer matches the words on the left but does not match the words on the right.

If you drag e into the answer box, there is a red next to the words on the left, and a red next to the words on the right. This means that your answer coed not match the words on the left but matches the words on the right.

Colour key Your answer matches the word on the match list (list on left) Your answer does not match the word on the match list (list on left) Your answer does not match the word on the don't match list (list on right) Your answer matches the word on the don't match list (list on right)

In order to complete a puzzle, you must all on the left and all on the right.

    "stage": [
            "anagram": "ae",
            "data": {
                "match": [
                "notMatch": [

Which letter appears in this list...

WELL DONE!! ✓ Now let's try the first puzzle Range

Drag a letter..

Into the answer box below...

Delete Box

Submit Answer: